
Женщина + Женщина, 21 год, Лев.

Они сейчас не в сети. Последний раз были давно.
Когда они будут онлайн?
Найти девушку онлайн


Рост (сантиметр)150
Вес (килограмм)48
Размер грудиСредний
Размер попыСредний
Цвет волосБрюнетка
Цвет глазКарие

Обо мне

Hi everybody!) We are a young beautiful couple, Missa and Rachel! And we love to share our positive energy with people! We love italian food, high heels, having fun with our friends and visit interesting places. We hope you will enjoy our shows and bec...

Мне нравится

As a bisexual couple we equally love both, men and women :) We really love to give pleasure to each other and to other people, share our experience, and we always interested in trying something new! We enjoy to be fucked hard by strong men just as muc...

Мне не нравится

Rude and unpolite people, if you want to be our friend or lover, you need to be nice to us :)