
Женщина, 38 лет, Овен.

Она сейчас не в сети. Последний раз была давно.
Когда она будет онлайн?
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Рост (сантиметр)167
Вес (килограмм)67
Размер грудиСредний
Размер попыСредний
Цвет волосРыжая
Цвет глазСерые

Обо мне

Hello, my name is Nelle. I'm here to embody our fantasies - yours and mine. Think of the sweet blonde demon flowing out of your dreamful slumber, looking deep in your eyes, whispering of your secret desires and guilty pleasures. The guiltiest are the s...

Мне нравится

I'm a funny girl, full of energy and passion. I love living life to the full and that's my main rule. "Better to regret the things you do than the things you don't do", they say, but I always take as much as I can and I never regret it. So, tha...

Мне не нравится

I hate rude people. Please don't spam. Don't beg and don't cry ! ;)