
Женщина, 22 года, Овен.

Она сейчас не в сети. Последний раз была давно.
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Рост (сантиметр)160
Вес (килограмм)65
Размер грудиМаленький
Размер попыСредний
Цвет волосБрюнетка
Цвет глазКарие

Обо мне

I am a sociable person, with an open mind who likes to make new friends and meet new people. My hobbies are reading, cooking, handmade and motorcycling. I like to talk to people around me (although English is not my trump card) to get to know them as w...

Мне нравится

The thing that arouses my curiosity is the naturalness and confidence with which a person speaks to me and on the sexual side, the first thing which is turning me on is the foreplay.

Мне не нравится

I hate it the most when a person is rude. I hate people who judge other people. Nobody is perfect, that's why I think that first you have to look at yourself and the decisions you have made in life, ask yourself if the choice you made is good and then...