
Женщина / 55 лет / Водолей

Она сейчас не в сети. Последний раз была сегодня.

Когда она будет онлайн

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Эстония, Таллинн
ЯзыкиАнглийский, Финский
Размер грудиОгромный
Размер попыБольшой
Цвет волосБрюнетка
Цвет глазГолубые

Обо мне

Empathetic, grateful, passionate, and experienced - what else do you need to know about me? Here you will find real coziness and pleasant atmosphere - so make yourself comfortable. Just be careful not to drown in my eyes, if only you will let me look into yours. Although you have nothing to fear, I am a certified diving instructor and I can help you dive into an ocean of incredible sensations. I have quite a few hobbies: painting, interior design, cinema, jazz and rock music, diving, travel, books. I studied to be an i nterior architect at the Academy of Arts, I am very interested in history and new architectural forms, innovative materials, and technologies in construction and architecture, design. I can also play the piano. I draw in different techniques: I had a personal art exhibition in Finland. But I have never tried bodypainting, maybe this is a good chance to make my little dream come true here? People with a sense of humor get a kiss from me)

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